Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sad Days

I woke up today and knew right away I would be having another sad day. I have been having them a lot lately to be honest. Time has definitely helped my overall condition over the past month, but there is still consistency to the depression I feel. I still don't sleep through the night. I still think of my ex before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up. I think about what I would like to say to her, and what I would like to say to "F". My brain won't be quiet.

As we all know, Valentine's Day was this past weekend. It was a hard one because all I could think about was about how great of a time I had with my ex last year. We had been on the other side of the world. We had a nice breakfast and went to an all day music festival. It was a blast. My sources have informed me that my ex went with "F" and a couple other friends to the same festival this past weekend. Did she think of me on the day as I did of her?

I know my ex and I had agreed to not be speaking. I had told her I would let her contact me next if she wanted to talk. However, being the person that I am, it would not be in my character to let Valentine's Day pass without at least acknowledging it. It is, after all, a day about love - past, present, and future, and I wanted to recognize that. I got many opinions from people about what I should or shouldn't do or send. Knowing that my ex and "F" will most likely be each other's Valentine made it hard too. But I was still operating under the guise of ignorance, so I thought about what I would want to do if I knew nothing at all. I decided to buy the most generic card I could find. The only words it contained were "Happy Valentine's Day". Inside I kept it fairly short. I told her the day comes whether we like it or not and I wished to acknowledge it. I told her I hoped she had a good day no matter what she ended up doing. I included a picture CD from her trip to see my family as they were her memories too and she had taken some of the pictures herself. I also included an item she had left behind that I know she wanted returned. I put everything in a padded envelope and sent it. Since we are not speaking I had no way of knowing whether she got it or not.

I should mention that my ex and I did agree to correspondence if it had to do with matters we had to take care of jointly. For example, she has no credit cards and I do, so we charged a bunch of plane fares to mine, and they will need to be paid off together. My ex had emailed me the other day about another joint matter. At the end she said she missed me very much and hoped daily I was doing OK. In my reply I said I missed her too. A few weeks ago when I got back east, a couple of members of my family reached out to her over email to let her know they hoped she was OK and knew this was difficult for both of us. She had never responded to them, so I also mentioned in my email reply to her that even though time has gone by, they still wonder and care about her well-being. I told her that if she ever found the time and strength concurrently, they would love to hear from her no matter when it is. Yesterday I found a lengthy email from her in my inbox, saying she had heard what I said about my family. She had written a letter for me to forward to them, mentioning each of them by name and saying beautiful things about meeting them and how she was still going to love and protect me in every way she knew how. She also said goodbye in a way. It was an extremely hard email to read, and I am sure it was hard for her to write. It makes it more baffling to me if she in fact is already moving on with "F". She seemed so genuine in the email. She said she was going quiet from here on in. I was glad she had at least respected me enough to take the time and emotion into writing that. I cry every time I read it over. I read it again today.

Last night I sent a message to her sister letting her know about the little package I had sent. I just wanted to know that my ex had received it. I got a response this morning that she had received a notice to pick it up from the post office. I hope she does. I wonder if she will say anything to me about it.


  1. It all sounds so familiar, the lack of sleep, awaking and falling asleep to your ex's face. Rereading the LAST email she sent, thinking about her during V-Day and actually sending something. Thankfully (nice that I can say that now), she ended things right before VDAY, but unfortunately I already got her a little something. It would have been worse knowing she was about to receive a gift from me right after she broke my heart. You will have more days like this, but trust me when I say they WILL become less frequent in time. See a theme here, lol.

  2. WE ALL GO THRU SUMTHING FAMILIAR, but at one point we all learn to move on. huh?

  3. MeMyselfandI - What to say? When my breakup was as fresh as yours, absolutely nothing was clear to me either. I did not want to go on at all. I wanted to hate my ex as well, especially since she knew she was sending me back across the world to basically nothing. I feel fortunate that my family has been so awesome, but so many things are still up in the air for me, it's frightening. One day at a time though. I know you've heard it a million times, but it is true. I am better a month later than the wreck of a person I was when i got back here. Hang in there.

    A.G. - Hello there, thanks for stopping by. Yes, the point of this blog is to move on and show it is possible. It's a personal journey, and I am inspired by those who have taken it and come out all right. I am happy that some ladies have taken the liberty to share their stories with me here as well. What is your story?

  4. Btw A. G. - I really enjoyed reading what you have to say on your blog as well... And that song is amazing that you have up. Thank you.

  5. One thing you ca be grateful for is that you actually have such wonderful memories. In some ways I envy you and your responders. My broken heart was smashed against a wall of indifference and slivers of what might have been before we made it past month three.

  6. My dear Anonymous, I do feel for you. But let me say that it may make it harder to have a plethora of good memories... I have gone through moments where all I want to do is hate her because it would make my transition easier... and I can't. I am not sure what is the more ideal scenario - to get your heart broken as expected or to be broken and taken by surprise... Either way, I know hurt results. I would be interested in your story of you have the strength to tell it. Hang in there. It has to get better.
